St Thomas Aquinas Prayer Before Study

St thomas aquinas prayer before study – St. Thomas Aquinas’s Prayer Before Study is a timeless prayer that has guided countless students throughout the centuries. This prayer reflects Aquinas’s philosophy of education and the importance he placed on the pursuit of knowledge and the cultivation of intellectual virtues.

Aquinas believed that prayer was an essential part of the learning process, and this prayer provides a powerful way for students to seek divine assistance for their studies.


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Saint Thomas Aquinas, a prominent figure in the Catholic Church, emphasized the significance of prayer in his life and teachings. Among his notable contributions is the “Prayer Before Study,” a supplication that reflects his philosophy of education and the role of prayer in the pursuit of knowledge.

The Prayer Before Study

St thomas aquinas prayer before study

Latin: Deus, qui nobis scientiae lumen infudisti, da intellectui nostro agilitatem, memoriae capacitatem, ut quae legimus vel audimus, facile apprehendamus, tenaciter retineamus et fideliter exsequamur. Per Christum Dominum nostrum. Amen.

English: O God, who hast given us the light of knowledge, grant to our understanding sharpness, to our memory power of retention, that we may readily apprehend what we read or hear, may faithfully retain it, and may bring it forth for use when needed. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

The prayer’s structure and language reveal key themes of humility, dependence on divine assistance, and the pursuit of intellectual excellence.

Aquinas’s Philosophy of Education

Aquinas believed education should foster intellectual growth, develop critical thinking, and cultivate virtues. He emphasized the importance of acquiring knowledge for the pursuit of truth and the service of God.

The Role of Prayer in Learning

Aquinas viewed prayer as an essential aspect of learning. He believed it fostered intellectual clarity, deepened understanding, and inspired a desire for knowledge. The “Prayer Before Study” guides students in seeking divine assistance for their studies, acknowledging their limitations and the need for guidance.

Practical Applications, St thomas aquinas prayer before study

To use the “Prayer Before Study,” students can recite it before studying or at the beginning of each class. It can also be incorporated into daily study routines, such as before reading assignments or writing papers. Using the prayer can help students focus, stay motivated, and seek divine guidance in their pursuit of knowledge.

FAQ Summary: St Thomas Aquinas Prayer Before Study

What is the purpose of St. Thomas Aquinas’s Prayer Before Study?

The purpose of this prayer is to seek divine assistance for one’s studies and to cultivate intellectual virtues.

How can I use St. Thomas Aquinas’s Prayer Before Study?

You can use this prayer at the beginning of your study sessions or whenever you need guidance and inspiration.

What are the benefits of using St. Thomas Aquinas’s Prayer Before Study?

This prayer can help you to focus your mind, clear your thoughts, and gain a deeper understanding of the material you are studying.

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